Schedule for this evening
Mass at 5:15PM Celebration of a Marian Mass followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
6PM ~ Begin the 7 hour Crusade in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
For the start of each hour refer to the separate sheet for meditations and responses.
6-7PM For All Life Joyful Mysteries (JM) Sorrowful Mysteries (SM) / (GM). ~ 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
7-8PM For Families and the Sacrament of Marriage (LM / (SM) (GM) 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
8-9PM For Innocence/All Children and Grandchildren (JM) / (SM) / (GM) 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
9-10PM For the Church, vocations, all religious, and Pope Benedict’s Intentions. (LM) / (SM) / (GM) 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
10-11PM The Protection of our Guardian Angels, our soldiers, and World Peace (JM) / (SM) / (GM) 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
11-12PM Reparation of ALL Sinners and the Souls in Purgatory (LM) / (SM) / (GM) 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
12-1AM In Thanksgiving (JM) / (SM) (GM) 3 families/groups to lead the Rosary
Concluded by Benediction (inside back cover of Missal)
~ Gathering in the Community Room